0.6.5 (2008-11-29) - fixed addJob() (filter did not work anymore due to changes in YaCy) Thanks to tara for pointing this out to me. 0.6.4 (2008-07-01) - pauseCrawling() and resumeCrawling() work again (did not work anymore due to changes in YaCy) 0.6.3 (2008-06-23) - fixed a bug in addJob() (if no recrawl unit is set, 'year' will really be used as default now) - parameter description=off in search() works again - new argument indexpages=on in search() which displays only index pages A big 'Thank you!" is due to Florian Richter for pointing out bugs to me and for using Ismael.pm! 0.6.2 (2007-06-18) - search() returns descriptions again (did not work anymore due to changes in YaCy) - new argument description=>on/off for search() 0.6.1 (2007-05-29) - pauseCrawling() returns right value again (did not work anymore due to changes in YaCy) - resumeCrawling() returns right value again (did not work anymore due to changes in YaCy) - addJob() works returns right value again (did not work anymore due to changes in YaCy) 0.6 (2006-09-22) - new function setTransferProperties() - fixed several wrong return values - added more textual descriptions of possible errors 0.5.2 (2006-07-04) - hopefully fixed the compatibility issue [see http://www.yacy-forum.de/viewtopic.php?t=2269 (German)] - reversed return values (success: 1, failure: 0), makes error checking more intuitive - new function errstr() returns textual description of errors 0.5.1 (2006-06-21) - tried to fix a compatibility issue 0.5 (2006-06-08) - new function ping() - new() and setProperties() does not wait for timeouts anymore if peer is offline since ping() is used, this should avoid delays - it does not matter if the URL of the peer is entered with a trailing slash or not anymore - pauseCrawling() and resumeCrawling() return correct values regardless of language version of the peer now (addJob() still returns incorrect values if the peer uses another language than English!) 0.4 (2006-05-25) - possibility to use authorization hashes instead of username and password (Big thanks to Martin Thelian!) - setProperties() returns a value now (0 = no error, 1 = error) - fixed a bug in addJob() - cleaned up the code a little bit - LWP::simple is not used anymore, instead LWP::UserAgent and HTTP::Request are required now 0.3 (2006-05-22) - new function search() - changed syntax of stop(), pauseCrawling(), resumeCrawling() (no url, pass, user property anymore, they have to be set with setProperty() or when creating the object with new()) - fixed some small bugs 0.2 (2006-05-15) - new function pauseCrawling() - new function resumeCrawling() 0.1 (2006-04-24) - initial release